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Socialize, Sip, Bid.
Mingle, Munch, Win.
Captivated, Charmed, Clap!
Friday, March 23, 2018
6:00 p.m
Danversport - Waterfront
Join the Beverly Rotary Club at their Annual Gala. Enjoy performances by some of the best a capella teams on the North Shore, as they compete for the Golden Microphone Trophy!
Before the big competition, enjoy Gaming Tables (for fun), a Piano Bar featuring the incomparable Ray Novack, Silent & Live Auctions, Photo Booth, Wine/Booze Raffle, and other attractions. A delicious Buffet Dinner, Dessert, Coffee & Tea, and Cash Bar are included. All of this takes place in the newly renovated Danversport Waterfront.
*Dress for this gala event is black tie optional.